Expect These 4 Things During an Emergency Dental Visit

July 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — wdcchicago @ 5:51 pm
patient undergoing an emergency dental visit in Chicago

Dental emergencies can sometimes happen when you least expect them. While an urgent situation may seem unsettling, it helps to be familiar with what your dentist will do to preserve your smile. This way you can feel more comfortable and confident when visiting their office to improve your oral health. Read on to learn four things you should expect throughout your emergency dental visit!

#1: To Be Scheduled Right Away

If you have an urgent dental condition, you’ll likely need to get treatment as soon as possible to maintain your pearly whites. Fortunately, your emergency dentist will typically keep a certain amount of time in their schedule to address these types of circumstances. While you’ll have a good chance of seeing them immediately if you have a severe condition, not every dental situation will require urgent treatment right away. For more minor emergencies, you may be penciled in for a later appointment within a few days of the incident. Rest assured, however, that they’ll want to address your dental issue as soon as possible and will provide you with best practices for managing your condition until your visit.

#2: To Undergo an Emergency Dental Examination

Unlike a routine dental exam, which monitors your overall oral well-being, an emergency examination will only assess your situation and detect the root cause of your problem. This is so that your dentist can determine the best way to treat the condition as quickly as possible. They’ll also confirm that there aren’t any underlying or developing issues as well before treating the main cause of your visit.

#3: To Receive Dental Anesthetics

If you’re experiencing moderate to severe discomfort due to your dental emergency, then your dentist may provide you with a local anesthetic to numb your mouth. This will allow you to remain comfortable while they evaluate your condition and perform any necessary treatments. You may even receive anesthetics if you aren’t struggling with any uncomfortable sensations, as certain procedures designed to restore your smile may be extensive enough to require them.

#4: To Review Your Treatment Options

While your dentist will do everything they can to alleviate any discomfort, you can expect them to walk you through your treatment options. They’ll want you to feel comfortable and confident about how they’ll preserve your dental health before starting any work. You should also feel free to ask them as many questions as you can about the various procedures, as many will offer different results and come with unique costs.

During your emergency dental visit, you can expect to be seen as soon as possible depending on the severity of your situation, to be thoroughly examined, and to feel comfortable throughout your treatment. Don’t hesitate to contact your dentist if you need urgent care. They’ll be more than happy to help you get back on track with good oral health!

About the Author

Dr. Peter Hammes studied at the University of Illinois-Chicago and has served as the Dental Department Head aboard the USS GERMANTOWN providing dental care for Marines. He’s also a member of several organizations like the American Dental Association and the Chicago Dental Society. He offers a vast collection of comprehensive treatments, including emergency dentistry. If you need to schedule an appointment right away, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call 312-766-5412.