6 Helpful Tips for Easing New Aligner Discomfort

December 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — wdcchicago @ 11:05 pm
a closeup of a patient smiling with their Invisalign

It’s not uncommon to experience some minor discomfort when undergoing clear aligner therapy; after all, your teeth are being moved and shuffled around your mouth! However, that doesn’t mean you have to needlessly suffer to obtain your new smile—there are several things you can do to minimize your discomfort throughout the process. Here are some tips from your dentist in Chicago for effectively coping with Invisalign discomfort so that you can keep your treatment’s progress right on track.

#1. Use Cold Compresses

If you’re experiencing swelling or inflammation, a cold compress placed against the outside of your cheek for 10 minutes at a time can provide relief. You can use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables, or sometimes even sipping cold water can help!

#2. Take Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

The discomfort caused by wearing your aligners isn’t too different from a headache, meaning that pain relievers can be used accordingly to provide relief. It might also be effective to take a painkiller about an hour before switching trays, to give the medication time to kick in before the pain becomes bothersome.

#3. Avoid Hard and Crunchy Foods

Even though clear aligners like Invisalign aren’t usually accompanied by any dietary restrictions, you should also adjust your diet to avoid hard or tough-to-chew foods that might contribute to the discomfort you’re already feeling. And it goes without saying but be sure to never eat anything while wearing your trays; however, once you’ve taken them out, consider cold things like ice cream to further dull your mouth’s senses.

#4. Swap to Your New Aligners Before Bedtime

Throughout your treatment process, you’ll have to swap to new sets of aligners—usually every 2 or so weeks. When the time comes to move on to your next set of trays, consider swapping before bedtime, so you’re sleeping through the initial discomfort of wearing new trays.

#5. Utilize Orthodontic Wax

Orthodontic wax is particularly useful if your Invisalign is accompanied by attachments; the wax can be applied to cover anything poking, prodding, or causing discomfort inside your mouth. Invisalign Chewies are soft, chewy sponges that help your aligners to fit more snugly.

#6. Visit Your Provider Regularly

You should continue with your regular dental checkups throughout your treatment. These visits give you a chance to voice any concerns you have about your aligners and the discomfort they may be causing, so that your provider can assist you. This also ensures that your treatment progress remains right on track.

If your Invisalign trays are causing you discomfort, don’t worry—this pain is only temporary and a natural part of your teeth’s gradual transformation! That said, following these tips will help ensure that your new smile is effortlessly and painlessly manifested.

About the Practice

The team at Washington Dental Care is thrilled to serve the dental needs of the Chicago area under the leadership of Dr. Peter Hammes and Dr. Giancarlo Cecchini. Their practice is pleased to offer a wide range of services including orthodontic options like Invisalign and Dandy Dental clear aligners. If you have any questions about the article or would like to schedule a visit, feel free to contact the practice online or over the phone for assistance: (312) 766-5412.